Class series designed around practicing our objective skill-sets and writing from the mind.

Intro: The Process of Writing Strong Structure

Intermediate: Mastering Narrative Structure

Advanced: Building Compelling Sequences

Expert: Crafting the Writer's North Star


Class series designed around practicing our subjective skill-sets and writing from the heart.

Intro: Connecting with Your Authentic Voice

Advanced: Expanding Your Authentic Toolkit


Class series designed around combining the subjective and objective skill-sets and writing real world work.

Expert: Mastering Story through Short Films

Master: Pilot and Feature Development

Guided Ongoing Writer Groups

from our former students:

"In 2019 I moved to LA to be a TV writer. One year and countless writing classes later, I realized I didn’t know how to write a pilot. I felt like all writing courses I took gave me the blueprints of a house, told me to go build that house but never taught me how to use a hammer. I began to think this writing thing wasn’t for me, because other people just seemed to "get it” in a way I never would. I was about to give up and move home when I stumbled upon Talton’s first intensive. That course changed the trajectory of my career. It was the first class I took that broke down the fundamentals of writing in a way that I could understand. It not only taught me how to build the framework of a story but also how to practice building until it became second nature. 

Two years after I started the intensives, I staffed on a Network TV show. I attribute much of my success writing on the show to what I learned and practiced in Talton’s classes. I have also been able to tap into the deeper truths of my own writing projects, and build samples I am finally proud of. 

Talton and the teachers at Good Material genuinely care about the success of their students. They know we all have stories we want to tell, and have carved a path that helps us tell those stories in the most compelling, honest and strongest way possible. I highly recommend these classes to anyone looking to elevate their writing and become the best writer they can be."

Jennifer King

Writer, All American, Found

"I was a struggling first year staff writer at Nickelodeon. All my scripts were getting rewritten, my self-esteem was low, and I was desperate for help. The Good Material classes changed my life. These classes helped me unlock the clarity, creativity, and productivity I always hoped to have as a screenwriter. I am still a staff writer and I recently optioned my first screenplay. None of this would have been possible without Talton’s classes."

Alec Schwimmer

Writer, Rugrats, Max and the Knights

"Screenwriters looking for a paint-by-numbers guide to story structure have infinite books and resources to choose from.

Talton’s intensives, on the other hand, are the only setting in which a writer can dive into specific, replicable skillsets that ingrain the underlying mechanisms of storytelling into your creative process. Rather than receiving notes on a script, you’ll practice scene work that brings real understanding. Instead of formulas, you’ll learn tools that you can apply to any writing situation.

I have read tons of theory, taken many classes, and even got my BFA in Screenwriting from a Top 5 film school. I could have saved years of my life and tens of thousands of dollars if I had started with these intensives first."

Audrey Knox

Literary Manager, Cartel